Our News + Activities
A bit more about what we’ve been up to recently.
Anvil studios is 15!
On 08.August, 2008, we started our boutique industrial design studio in the enchanting Pacific Northwest. Fast-forward to today, we are celebrating our 15 year anniversary! We are thrilled with this achievement and are beyond grateful for our wonderful clients and design partners without whom we would not be here today.
uco ware featured on core77
We love Core77 and always appreciate when they publish projects we’re involved in.
Celebrating Del King’s retirement!
Our favorite professor and design advisor has finally retired from Western Washington University. In May, we gathered together with many, many alumni to celebrate this big achievement and to thank him for everything he’s taught us all over the years. Del has truly shaped the design scene in the Pacific Northwest, and we are all forever grateful.
IDEA 2023 Jury Member
Treasure is excited and honored to join this year’s Jury for the International Design Excellence Awards.
Friendly reminder that the submission deadline is 06.March!
Anvil studios sponsors IDSA’s Women in design deep dive
We are proud to support the Women In Design community and look forward to seeing everyone in Chicago!
2 designers x 14 years = 100 design awards
Our big news is a pretty major milestone for our team; this past week our designs received 2 Spark Awards and 7 GOOD Design Awards! This is really amazing, thank you to both Spark and Chi-Anthenaeum for the recognition. These newest wins brings us a total of 100 design awards and finalist/honorees in 14 years!
Beyond Ray podcast
Treasure had the opportunity to be interviewed by Women In Design for their podcast, Beyond Ray. We chatted about design and how the day-to-day works at Anvil. If you’re interested; have a listen and hope you enjoy.
The Chocolates are coming!
It is indeed that time of year again! Please smash responsibly.
Anvil studios wins Another prestigious if award
We are super excited to share our big news that Anvil Studios' design for the Proteus System has won a prestigious 2022 iF Award! We are so proud of this design, especially as our collaboration with Proteus Motion was in 2020 and the whole design process was completely virtual due to the pandemic lock-down.
Anvil studios sponsors IDC 2022 in Seattle
We are beyond thrilled to sponsor this year’s International Design Conference, especially as we were hosting it in our home city, Seattle. Our favorite part, of course, was the big party at the Aquarium. What a fantastically fun evening, catching up with old friends and connecting with new ones previously only met over Zoom calls. All in all, an absolutely amazing time. Thank you IDSA for such a lovely event!
The Proteus system on Core77
A lovely article about our design collaboration with Proteus Motion and designing for strength training in 3 dimensions.
ampersand featured on Core77
Thank you, Core77 for the nice coverage of the wonderful conceptual project. Ampersand turned out beautifully and we are thrilled with both the students’ hard work (performed entirely remotely) and final results.
20 Woman-led Industrial Design & Innovation Firms You Should Know
We are so excited to share this great article about Women owned design firms. It is a huge honor to be included on the list. Thank you, Core77, for creating such a nice series of articles and showcasing so many wonderful designers!
Ampersand wins 2021 Core77 design award
Anvil Studios sponsored the Western Washington University’s Senior Industrial Design project again this year. Introducing Ampersand; a beautiful suite of products devoted to empowering collaboration in the future workspace. This 10-week exploration was performed entirely remote, with the students’ own experiences collaborating during this project inspiring many of the solutions and elements of the final designs.
Upon completion, Ampersand was entered into the 2021 Core77 Design Awards and was awarded a Student Notable in the Interaction category. Congratulations to Professor King and WWU’s Sr ID class of 2021, we wish you all the best!
Proteus System featured in Mens health Magazine
Be sure to pick up the April issue of Mens Health Magazine. It has a nice feature article about the Proteus System, which we designed 100% virtually during lock-down this past fall. The system is revolutionary and we are very proud of our design contribution!
5G open innovation lab Launch
We are proud to share that Anvil Studios is participating as technical partners and design mentors for the 5G O/I Lab. The official launch was 19.May 2020 and the lab is already getting some nice media coverage. Congratulations to the lab, the first group of cohorts, and everyone involved. We look forward to collaborating with the hardware startups creating next generation product solutions!
Our covid-19 response
Anvil Studios has joined the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. We are fabricating face shields for our nurses, doctors, and first responders who are in desperate need of PPE. Huge thank you to all who are working the front line keeping us safe!!!
uco ware featured on Yanko design
More great design coverage for the UCO Ware product line. We are big fans of Yanko Design and always appreciate when they publish projects we’re involved in.
2019 International Design Excellence Award Winners
We are excited to share the news that our designs for UCO Ware Mealkits and Sporks won an IDEA Bronze and an IDEA Finalist. And the project we co-sponsored with Milwaukee Tool at Western Washington University’s Sr ID class won an IDEA GOLD! Lots to celebrate and congratulations to the whole WWU ID class of 2018!!!
uco ware featured on core77
Reduce Your Single-Use Plastic with these Reusable Bamboo Containers UCO Ware worked with Anvil Studios to create beautiful and functional to-go containers.
Anvil Studios is 10!
In August of 2018 we celebrated our 10 year anniversary!
Future of Connected tools project featured on Core77
Western Washington University (in partnership with Anvil Studios and Milwaukee Tool) recently took ten weeks to develop a proposal for a construction site tool ecosystem along these lines. The design of this ecosystem enhances job site communication and facilitates time and cost efficiency.
Good innovation international's design exhibition
Earlier this year, Treasure was delighted to help co-curate the Good Innovation International Design Exhibition in Shenzhen. Due to Anvil Studios deep experience in designing for digital health, Treasure curated the Well-being collection of the exhibition. Her product selection focused on the importance of comfort and usability; and included Anvil Studios Wearable Health solutions, Bespoke Innovations 3D printed prosthetics, Astro Studios Owlet infant sock, the Google Daydream, and Mike-and-Maaike’s Windowseat for Hawarth, among many others. The design exhibition was part of the greater Shenzhen F518 Design Festival and was displayed for the month of December.
Treasure’s “cool job” featured in the Seattle Times
Thank you for the nice interview, Seattle Times!
Anvil Studios presents To seattle hardward startups
Last night we hosted this month’s Seattle Hardware Start-Ups happy hour. We thoroughly enjoyed presenting the product development process and discussing how design can help entrepreneurial projects and community. We held the event at the Cloud Room in Chophouse Row, so of course the food and drinks were amazing and ambiance was beyond beautiful!
Gray Magazine
Thanks for publishing our trend observations from CES 2017, Gray! Super fun!
Jewelry Wearables
Cozy Fabric Wrapped
3D-printed Car Parts
Tessellation Detailing
Anvil studios in Business in Focus Magazine
Business in Focus magazine’s October issue features our client, Powermat, and they kindly included us in the article!
ALEX BOTTLE Featured on buzzfeed
“This Amazing Water Bottle Will Change Your Life”
IDSA National Conference Studio Tours
Anvil opened our doors to host a happy hour as part of this year’s IDSA National Conference studio tours. The food was great, the drinks were flowing, and we’ve never had so many people in our humble space. It was truly a fun evening filled with a lot great conversations and great folks.
Anvil studios featured in Puget Sound Business Journal
We’re excited to share this nice write-up about us in the Sound Strategies section of the Puget Sound Business Journal. Thank you for the nice article about Anvil Studios, PSBJ!
anvil studios featured in seattle business Magazine
Be sure to pick up the December issue of Seattle Business Magazine, with the cover story “The Power of Design.”
Social Wearable Health project featured on Core77
This past spring semester, Western Washington University's Industrial Design department teamed up with Anvil Studios, who were proud to sponsor a Senior I.D. studio, led by professor Dell King, focused on the intersection of health and mobile technology.
IOTa wearables featured on Autodesk’s alias design
Due to the juicy surfacing on the our design for Iota’s Tapp Pebble product, it was selected as the cover art for Autodesk’s latest version of Alias. This is a huge honor for Treasure, who has been an Alias junkie for many, many years.
1 if award + 3 red dot awards
This was a very good year for our product designs, and we are very proud to announce the extremely exciting news that our hard work has paid off by winning the prestigious iF Award and three Red Dot Awards!
alex Bottle introduced at ihhs2011 and featured on core77
Chris Hotell, Founder of Alex Bottle, and Treasure Hinds and Greg Janky of Anvil Studios, his designers, introduce the company's take on the stainless steel water battle. The smart design unscrews in the middle for easy cleaning and storage. Bonus: Mix and match components to create different color combinations and sizes.
Kestrel 4000LTD featured on yanko design
Oh yes! A lovely new bike. ASI Kestrel hired Anvil Studios to design a fabulous new carbon fiber Time Trial bike.
Kestrel 4000LTD Debuts at Interbike 2009
Anvil Studios’ first official product launch! Our beloved design for Kestrel’s new time-trial was introduced at Interbike in Las Vegas in September 2009. Seeing it showcased within a glass case upon our arrival was beyond happiness!