Anvil Studios

Anvil Concepts

Anvil Studios
Anvil Concepts

In the moment


A conceptual tea set designed to keep a tea drinker focused in the moment. The teapot and tea cups are gorgeous, parabolic forms that need to nest into their relative trivet and saucers to remain upright. The symbiotic relationship between the two forces the tea drinker to set the vessels down intently. The tea infuser is incorporated into the tea pot’s handle. To use the tea pot, the tea drinker must pierce the handle (with integrated tea infuser) through the side of the teapot. As the interior volume reduces, the tea stops steeping. 

UCO Ware Sporks and Mess Kits Product Design

With diverse experience in industries ranging from consumer electronics, high-end audio, medical and life sciences, housewares and cycling, Anvil Studios is a product design company committed to bringing a broad range of solutions to the table.

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